3 Facts Concerning Wood Fence Maintenance

Maybe the hardest part of wood fence maintenance is finding the motivation to do it – but not everyone is like this. Unfortunately this is part of owning a fence, and even metal fences have some things that need or should be done. This is very much a part of ensuring you may one day get an ROI on your fence investment. Here are some smart guidelines you’ll want to know and follow and they’re effective, too.

Every 60 or so days, walk around your fence and make observations for obvious indications of damage caused by anything. You can learn a lot if you make the effort to form an inspection log for your fence, and you can look back over time and see what has happened. You just never know when something will happen, and then you may be able to learn something. Probably the most important areas of your fence are the posts and where they enter the ground. Termites are attracted to wood, as you may know, and this is a common enemy of wood fences since they can ruin a fence. You may have more or less hardware on your wood fence just depending on the design and styling. Every aspect of the fence will need to be taken care of, but these special areas should be kept close to your eyes. Fences, whether they are wood or metal, come in all types of mechanisms for securing the gate, and what you want to do is avoid the inside of the mechanisms from seizing due to rusting conditions. In just about all cases you can use a light weight oil to keep it well lubricated and protected from moisture.

As far as keeping your fence clean and looking great, there are specific products on the market you will need. Contracting this out is possible, but it is generally not time consuming. Bleach and water in a solution that is not too strong are recommended, and in this way you are sure to kill any mold formation. You want to dilute the bleach to about 60% with water, and never apply full strength bleach to the fence because you can erode and damage any stain that’s on it with full bleach. After you are finished with this application, simply hosing down the entire fence will remove surface solution along with residue.

We have only covered a few of the many important aspects of wood fence maintenance practices. The basic approaches are there for a reason, and the thing is that they are so simple that some people forget about them. Practice good time management skills and strategies, and that will make you much more efficient.